NEER Public Comment Period Begins April 2017

by Audrey Bragg

Energy efficiency is the largest sector in our massive clean energy economy–representing 3/4 of U.S. clean energy jobs. The National Energy Efficiency Registry (NEER) aims to make a good thing even better. Starting this month until May 31st, you can add your voice to the process of crafting this registry so that it works best for all people and purposes.

The Registry Takes Form: Development Process
In October of 2015, DOE awarded six State Energy Offices to develop principles and operating rules for a proposed NEER. The goal is to create a platform for registering energy efficiency projects, tracking and reporting verified avoided energy and where appropriate, creating tradable instruments based on project performance. Nearly 18 months of development ensued, including extensive stakeholder input.

“During the past few months I have been energized by the great work happening,” wrote Pat Stanton (Oct. 2016). “More than 150 experts have been reviewing the NEER’s draft principles and operating rules.” See National Energy Efficiency Registry Gains Momentum.

Your Role and the Imperative to Act
Now, the NEER draft principles and operating rules are released for a two-month public comment period starting April 3rd, 2017. The need for state policy support is high. Clean energy jobs are here now; energy innovation is happening and positive trends must continue. More than ever we need robust, proven systems to support energy efficiency initiatives.

I believe in the power of the NEER to help states achieve energy reductions cost-effectively. Importantly, it will also support public and private sectors as they utilize cost-effective energy efficiency investments to improve economic competitiveness and environmental quality. The NEER will support voluntary investments in energy efficiency by transparently disclosing actions undertaken to support sustainability targets. It will provide the tracking infrastructure necessary to substantiate a market for trading the attributes of verified energy savings.

If this topic and process interests you, April through May provide an excellent opportunity to make your voice heard. Join the public comment period to help design the platform that will make it all possible. Help make energy efficiency easy, transparent and scalable.

Learn more about the NEER at

Overview Webinars
The NEER Project Team will present an overview webinar on the NEER twice during the comment period: on April 17th and May 11th, 2017. These webinars will give an overview of the project, and the Draft NEER Principles and Operating Rules, in order to help inform public comment on the document and provide an opportunity to ask questions.

  • Register for April 17, 3:00 pm EDT Webinar here
  • Register for May 11, 1 pm EDT Webinar here

We hope you join us!

–Audrey Starkebaum Bragg is E4TheFuture’s Senior Policy Analyst

This blog post has been prepared by and is the sole responsibility of E4TheFuture. E4TheFuture is not a National Energy Efficiency Registry (NEER) project partner and does not represent the U.S. DOE, the six states, and/or partners The Climate Registry (TCR) and NASEO. As such, the views expressed in this document are strictly those of E4TheFuture and may not coincide precisely with information provided by the above-referenced project, participating states, or project partners. Audrey Bragg, E4TheFuture Senior Policy Analyst serves as a consultant to TCR and as a member of the Steering/Advisory Committee for the NEER project; this blog post is not paid for under the DOE award.