E4TheFuture has focused on:
- Advancing and supporting training in state and jurisdictional practices to determine cost-effectiveness investments in energy efficiency and other distributed energy resources (e.g., wind, solar, storage, hydro, EVs) using the National Standard Practice ManualTM.
- Convening and enabling leading organizations from among our partners/allies to build strong clean energy advocacy.
- Working with NASEO to streamline ways State Energy Offices can utilize federal infrastructure funding, by developing step-by-step program and policy examples. See the NASEO Boxes initiative.
- Empowering advocates to make the case for energy efficiency (EE) as an economic driver, by creating resources that translate solid research into dynamic communications tools such as Energy Efficiency Jobs in America and Faces of EE.
- Supporting the residential home performance industry to ensure that consumers — particularly those with low and moderate incomes — can benefit from clean energy strategies.
- Supporting the transition to clean energy in transportation modalities and buildings through pilots and programs with a primary focus on equity and sustainable investments.
- Supporting understanding of how residential energy efficiency programs impact health.
Contact us to learn more.