National Energy Screening Project: Spring 2024 News

May, 2024 — E4TheFuture, coordinator of the National Energy Screening Project (NESP), published news and updates in the latest newsletter. Trainings just announced cover learning how to conduct benefit-cost analyses (BCA) and distributional equity analyses (DEA), including an opportunity to become NSPM Certified.

State Updates: Virginia and Maryland
In Virginia, a precedent was set for using the National Standard Practice Manual guidance to inform cost-effectiveness.

Maryland completed a process to apply the NSPM Benefit Cost Analysis framework. The framework was used to to develop a recommended Maryland Unified BCA (MD-UBCA) test to the Maryland Public Service Commission as its primary cost-effectiveness test for all distributed energy resources.

Distributional Equity Analysis Guide and Midwest Case Studies
A case study project funded by Joyce Foundation and E4TheFuture is taking shape. A Project Team comprising E4TheFuture, Synapse Energy Economics and the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) is applying the stages of the just-published Distributional Equity Analysis (DEA) Guide.

See NESP’s email announcement of the new DEA Guide.

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