Spotlight: Josh Kriesberg, Policy Fellow

Josh KriesbergJosh Kriesberg began as a policy fellow at E4TheFuture in July 2016 within weeks after completing his B.A. at Syracuse University. His assignments comprise policy initiatives and research projects including the National Energy Efficiency Registry (NEER) and database management.

What do you like most about your job?
Josh: The thing I love most is the people I work with. Everybody is so committed to advancing our mission and doing good that it makes coming in to work a pleasure. Each day I’m reminded why I wanted to work in this industry.

My first few weeks I felt challenged by the steep learning curve. However, the staff has been so welcoming and helpful that I quickly felt at home. Some friends with new jobs have told me that they are intimidated by their senior staff and afraid to ask questions; this has not been the case for me at E4. Everybody is very approachable and genuinely cares about helping me improve my skills.

How did you learn about the position at E4TheFuture, and why did it appeal to you?
Josh: I saw an online brochure, and was immediately drawn to the position. E4 was able to offer the combination of hands-on experience and professional development that seemed so elusive when I was job hunting. The opportunity to work with proven industry leaders and professionals was very appealing to me. E4 felt like the perfect place to begin my career in the clean energy industry.

Josh Kriesberg

“I enjoy challenging myself and trying new things,” Josh says of his 2013 skydiving adventure in New Hampshire.

How did you get interested in clean energy?
Josh: I always knew that I wanted to do good with my career. I wouldn’t be motivated to work hard if I didn’t believe in what I was doing. I feel that climate change is a defining issue for my generation, as the associated problems become even more severe. I consider it a responsibility to do my best to make sure that the world my descendants inherit is in better shape than the world I inherited.

What extracurriculars did you have in college?
Josh: I am most proud of my involvement with Delta Tau Delta. I served as president for two semesters and found it tremendous and meaningful. I learned countless lessons about myself, my brothers, and the impact I can have on the world around me. I was a Resident Advisor earlier, which was eye-opening and challenging. I also worked on a Congressional campaign during junior year and, despite our candidate losing the race, I gained valuable experience.

If you could travel anywhere in the United States, where would you go?
Josh: I would visit the Grand Canyon. I went with my family when I was ten, but I want to hike the trail into the canyon. I remember it as fantastic and I would love the opportunity to return.

If you could meet anybody from history, who would it be?
Josh: It’s a tossup: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Franklin D. Roosevelt–the three greatest presidents in our country’s illustrious history. Each one had such an inherent skill for leadership and keen decision-making that I would relish the chance to pick any of their brains.