E4TheFuture illuminates ways to enable access to energy savings for lower-income populations.
Health and safety barriers create challenges by impeding home weatherization. Increasingly, policymakers and practitioners realize the imperative to tackle these difficult obstacles.
The Weatherization Barriers Toolkit: How to Address Health and Safety Barriers with an Income-Eligible Focus offers guidance, a state-specific case study and “lessons learned,” with options for funding programs. Barriers to weatherizing homes are a challenge in all markets; the Toolkit focuses on solutions for income-eligible customers.
-> Get complete Toolkit (updated 6/6/22) or short version.
See a four-page Toolkit Summary (4/22).
Featured in the Toolkit: Connecticut Weatherization Barriers Remediation Program Case Study, and resources. Get a broader set of resources — and more state-specific examples — below.
Toolkit Resources: Connecticut Program Development
CT DEEP workshops:
– Workshop 1 (11/18/20)
– Workshop 2 (1/20/21)
LIHEAP Board: DEEP RFP for Statewide Weatherization Barrier Remediation Program Operator
DOE/HHS: Delivering Flexibility in the WAP (2021)
Eversource: Home Energy Solutions Market Rate/Income Eligible (11/20)
(above links are embedded in the Toolkit)
ENERGY NEWS NETWORK — July, 2022: Connecticut weatherization program will tackle mold, asbestos, other barriers by Lisa Prevost

Additional Resources

Legislation: Weatherization Enhancement and Readiness Act, introduced (June 2022) See press release.
Blog: Weatherization Without Walkaways: Change is Coming, But Needs a Push (E4TheFuture, April 2022)
Blog: Better Weatherization is Within Sight (NRDC, July 2022)
Weatherization Readiness Fund Guidelines – For WAP grantee and sub-grantee managers (U.S. Dept. of Energy, April 2022)
Health and Safety Issues: Common barriers (National Association for State Community Services Programs – NASCSP); Reasons for Deferrals – with sample Deferral of Service forms, from three states
Paper: Overcoming Weatherization Barriers: A Survey of Resources to Address Barriers to Weatherization in Homes (Energy Futures Group, Dec. 2020)
(Efficiency For All)Paper: Health & Safety Investments to Increase Energy-Saving Opportunities (APPRISE, 2018)
Media Coverage: A low-income energy-efficiency program gets $3.5B boost, but leaves out many in need (National Public Radio, May 2022)
Midwest Examples: Detroiters can bring down energy costs. But getting homes weatherized isn’t easy. (BridgeDetroit, 2021); Missed Opportunities: Lowering Deferral Rates on Efficiency Programs (Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, 2020)
Virginia Examples: Case Study (2021-22; Weatherization Deferral Repair Funds); Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative funds Housing Innovations in Energy Efficiency / related resources (2021-22); Fighting Climate Change and Heatstroke One Home at a Time (NRDC, 2021); Greenhouse gas pact will open door to weatherization for Virginia households (Energy News Network, 2021)
Massachusetts Examples: Mass Save Enhanced Barrier Mitigation Incentives (formerly “Pre-Weatherization Barrier Incentive” (2022); Expanded HEAT Loan Initiative / Barrier Mitigation Project: Mid-Program Review (E4TheFuture, 2015); Reducing Energy Burden: Resources for Low-Income Residents (Metropolitan Area Planning Council – MAPC, 2022)
Connecticut and Vermont / Equity Focus: Stakeholder Engagement and Gap Analysis — Weatherization Barrier Remediation component of Energy Measurement & Verification (NEEP, 2022) and associated report Centering Equity with Metrics