by Steve Cowell
I am passionate about energy efficiency because I’ve seen the results. People’s lives improve on so many levels, when they attend to their homes and buildings. And energy efficiency’s momentum has risen dramatically over the past couple of years. It’s good for both economic and personal health.
You have likely heard that the proposed federal budget is a major threat to our industry. We must fight to highlight the value of programs that leverage millions in private sector spending. We must keep the momentum going, for maximum positive impact. I could write a book about why you should step up now to help preserve funding for efficiency programs. Instead I offer three basic reasons you should sign our letter by 4/21:
1. The energy efficiency business voice is stronger than you think.
Your voice matters. Our industry is not (historically) perceived as a unified, identifiable industry. Most involved are owners or employees of small companies, who have been viewed as too insignificant to exert leverage. However, this is now changing. Our jobs report reveals the U.S. energy efficiency industry is comprised of many thousands of businesses. All these add up!
2. Energy efficiency is proven to be a powerful solution.
We respect a careful budget scrutiny process. When a budget is under the microscope, the real value of programs must be demonstrated. Key funding decisions should be based on “which options are most valuable?”
In terms of ROI, societal and health benefits the dramatic value of our work is proven repeatedly. With average annual savings per U.S. household of $840, energy efficiency provides $90 billion in nationwide savings per year. Return on investment is more than 200 percent.* By its nature, energy efficiency work is focused on locally offered services that cannot be outsourced. Policies and funding for such programs should be strengthened, rather than cut.

3. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
I encourage you to get involved. A simple, no-cost way is to sign this important letter by 4/21/17, asking Congress for continued support for residential efficiency. The letter asks that critical funding be included in the federal budget for:
- Weatherization Assistance Program
- Home Performance with Energy Star
- Energy Star Homes
- Home Energy Score
Let our elected officials know this funding is essential. Federal-level funding is necessary to maintain our ability to serve customers and to maintain good jobs. Join 2200+ people who have already signed our letter asking Congress to ensure that energy efficiency continues to remain strong and effective. Spread the word by sharing this link with other EE professionals. And thank you!
– Steve Cowell is President of E4TheFuture