by Steve Cowell
News flash! The U.S. energy efficiency industry is becoming known as a jobs powerhouse. Why? Because it now supports a workforce of 2.25 million and continues to increase. I feel honored to spread this good news that buoys us beyond politics to unite a focus on the positive.
Our new report, Energy Efficiency Jobs in America, articulates the scale and scope of jobs across the country, with details for all 50 states. Energy efficiency (EE) is the largest sector in the U.S. clean energy economy.
You may ask, “What is an EE job?” According to Energy Efficiency Jobs in America, EE jobs are the delivery of goods and services that lower energy use by improving technologies, appliances, buildings, and energy systems.
All states have substantial numbers of EE jobs. Efficiency is an energy resource for every city, every town, and every community in America. It drives economic development wherever it’s supported and emphasized. Energy efficiency’s value to America far exceeds its reputation as a reliably wise solution for cutting waste and saving dollars.
The EE industry is unique, as it comprises so many small businesses. By its very nature it’s focused on locally offered services. EE is the only energy resource that increases the income of its program participants. Energy savings translate into pocket money that infuses the economy, thus supporting even more jobs.
Robust Methodology
We have known for a few years that energy efficiency is a major source of jobs: By conservative estimate, about one in every hundred U.S. adults works an EE job. You are invited to see FAQs to learn about how the report numbers were derived.
Our E4TheFuture team also encourages questions about the EE report and its methodology. EE is an energy resource for every community in America, with vast potential for further growth. And to maximize that growth, we can focus on smart policy.
Policy Matters at the Core
Public policy is at the core of the U.S. energy economy. As the shift toward workplace automation accelerates, our country seeks opportunities for job creation more than ever. Energy efficiency is a key strategy to meet multiple policy objectives. It saves money, improves health, lowers carbon emissions and creates local jobs that cannot be outsourced.
If elected officials want to create jobs, drive economic growth and save consumers and businesses money, they would be wise to champion the energy efficiency sector. I invite you to use our report and related resources, and to visit Faces of EE to meet 1200+ of the EE pros who are passionate about their work.

Into the Future
E4TheFuture seeks to build understanding and access to relevant information about the U.S. energy economy. Please contact if you would like to discuss Energy Efficiency Jobs in America or want to join our efforts to advance the clean energy industry.
–Steve Cowell is President of E4TheFuture