Posts Categorized: Advocacy

  • Colorful rendition of people linking arms flanked by hearts as they view a ground-mounted solar installation with green grass and a sun and cloud sky

    The Human Element: Bringing Trauma Informed Practices to Clean Energy Policy

    by Sam Randall

    While attending this year’s National Home Performance Conference (NHPC ’24), I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend a fascinating breakout session that focused on a topic near and dear to me – trauma informed practices.

    Facilitated by Habitat for Humanity staff, “Person-Centered, Trauma Informed Home Repair Programming and Approaches” was a highlight of my NPHC ’24 experience.

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  • Weatherization Without Walkaways: Change is Coming, But Needs a Push

    by Steve Cowell

    Weatherization is in the news more than ever, with infrastructure funds coming and with state and federal legislation proposed to improve buildings.

    Funding is necessary, but not sufficient, to solve our nation’s crisis in substandard housing. We absolutely need smart strategy. If we do not apply funds quickly and effectively, this opportunity could turn into its own crisis. This is what keeps me up at night.

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  • Efficiency Canada and E4TheFuture join forces to raise up energy efficiency professionals

    Momentum Builds for Energy Efficiency

    Workforce Unites to Accelerate Positive Change
    by Pat Stanton

    If “energy efficiency” conjures light bulb rebate programs in your mind, you may be surprised to discover the strength of the energy efficiency industry — and how it continues building. Professionals who provide efficiency services and products are EE pros now gaining a voice and an identity. Read More

  • Guest Blog: Saving money and changing lives through energy efficient solutions

    Derrick BlueDerrick Blue is Interim CEO at Tampa Hillsborough Action Plan.

    A major report shows that there are now more than 119,000 energy jobs in Florida. The vast majority of these—more than 112,000—are energy efficiency jobs. But what are those jobs?

    You might be surprised to learn that energy efficiency employs plumbers, carpenters and other skilled workers in the building trades. I should know—I employ and contract with dozens of them.
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  • Guest Blog: Energy efficient homes save money, build careers, contribute to economy

    Dennis BrachfeldDennis Brachfeld is the owner of AboutSavingHeat.Com.

    Like millions of Coloradans, my love for the great outdoors and winter sports brought me to the Mile-High City. But it was skyrocketing energy costs during the 1970s oil crisis that inspired me to make a career out of reducing energy waste, while helping our environment.

    Today, energy efficiency is paving the way to a prosperous future by creating new, stable, good paying jobs, helping millions save money, and decreasing our energy waste. In 2018 a nationwide report shows there are more than 32,000 energy efficiency jobs here in Colorado alone—a seven percent increase from a year ago. Careers in the energy efficiency industry are wide ranging, including electricians, carpenters, plumbers and construction workers. Read More

  • Guest Blog: Why waste energy you don’t have to?

    Bill LippyWilliam A. Lippy is President and CEO of Fi-Foil Company.

    Florida has made significant economic gains since the great recession wreaked havoc across America a decade ago. One area where the Sunshine State has experienced tremendous growth is in the clean energy industry, which includes renewable power and energy efficiency. Today, the energy efficiency industry is paving the way for good-paying, stable jobs while at the same time reducing energy costs and dependence on fossil fuels.
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  • New York State Energy Efficiency

    How to Return NY to “Top Three” for Energy Efficiency

    by Steve Cowell

    New York was once among the top three states–and can be again. Gov. Cuomo has called for ambitious new energy efficiency targets, and New Yorkers are urging the governor to present a statewide EE goal later this month that will help restore New York’s once-held status as a national leader.
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  • Energy Efficiency Jobs Matter to Americans

    Defend Vital Energy Efficiency Funding

    by Steve Cowell

    The White House budget proposed devastating cuts to key U.S. energy efficiency programs. Eighty percent of FY19 program dollars could be in real danger. Although a FY’18 omnibus bill succeeded in funding the remainder of this year,* the fight for FY’19 is just beginning. If you believe, as I do, that energy efficiency brings lasting benefits to all Americans please make your voice heard now.
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  • Photo booth Faces of Energy Efficiency

    Making the Case for Energy Efficiency

    by Pat Stanton

    It can be tough to get the ear of a policymaker. One of the best ways is by sharing stories of how their work can affect real people. Our “Faces of EE” initiative collects photos and testimonials of energy efficiency workers across the U.S. Faces of EE promotes the fact that “EE” means more than clean air and a stable grid; it means jobs and economic growth.

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  • Save Energy Efficiency Funding

    Three Reasons You Should Sign a Letter to Save EE Funding

    by Steve Cowell

    I am passionate about energy efficiency because I’ve seen the results. People’s lives improve on so many levels, when they attend to their homes and buildings. And energy efficiency’s momentum has risen dramatically over the past couple of years. It’s good for both economic and personal health.

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