Energy Efficiency Jobs Resources

Educational Resources
You are invited to dive in, and share Energy Efficiency Jobs in America for national and state employment data on this dedicated website with animated key statistics. See how energy efficiency jobs dominate the U.S. energy economy. You can also see a per-capita analysis for all 50 states (2023).

Faces of EE Jobs blue background people icons

In 2024, E4TheFuture is proud to partner with the Building Performance Association, who will carry Faces of EE forward to expand it further! Be part of the excitement by joining the movement here.

Get Downloadable Resources

Planning to meet with a legislator / leader? These state-specific fact sheets are perfect summary documents for education. (Shown here: 2023 fact sheets.)

Infographics for Pennsylvania state fact sheet with full page 1 including treemap and bar chart excerpt

Arizona faces of energy efficiency fact sheet excerpt with representatives of the  42,000+ strong workforce pictured

Measuring success
We gather “voices of EE” using a planned strategy. We track and measure Faces of EE results over time as we help to make the invisible visible for small and large businesses in the energy efficiency industry.

Be effective. See your options for social media participation and more.


Key Jobs Reports

Energy Efficiency Jobs in America – See the National Summary and full report by E2 and E4TheFuture. Compelling infographics and a dedicated website with animated key statistics complement policy recommendations in this seventh annual jobs report. Earlier reports are viewable here.

USEER – All U.S. Energy Jobs including EE / clean energy — plus fossil, nuclear, motor vehicles, etc.
View this 2023 U.S. Energy & Employment Report (based on 2022 data).

Blogs by E4TheFuture

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  • Hello Faces of EE!

  • Energy-efficiency jobs Count Me In

    Faces of EE: Count Me In

  • Energy Efficiency Jobs Resources

    Faces of EE: Resources