Posts Categorized: Jobs

  • Faces of youth on colorful backgrounds represent Youth Apprenticeship Week

    Youth Apprenticeship Week: Energy Efficiency Workforce Development

    by Aileen Villa

    Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the 2024 Home Performance Conference (HPC) for the second time since entering the energy efficiency industry. This year, I engaged with several sessions in HPC ‘24’s Workforce Development Track. I gained insight from sessions thoughtfully titled “Registered Apprenticeships: Building Career Pathways in Energy Efficiency” and “Youth in Home Performance: What it Takes to Attract and Retain Young People,” among others.

    Listening to the folks navigating apprenticeship and training programs in energy was very rewarding. I’m happy to share a bit about some organizations spearheading this important work.

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  • historic "Rosie the Riveter" shows her muscle for energy efficiency with fiberglass insulation and a blueprint background

    Empowering Change: Advocating for Diversity in the Energy Efficiency Industry

    by Sam Randall

    This year’s National Women’s History Month theme celebrates “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” As the National Women’s History Alliance explains, this theme discusses how “for a positive future, we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions.”

    This plea resonates with me. Below, I offer thoughts on the intersection of gender and the energy efficiency field, concluding with a call to action to recognize those who advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your network!

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  • Two staff and one visitor at union recruitment booth at career fair

    Workforce Advancements in Energy Efficiency: Heat and Frost Union Apprenticeships

    by Aileen Villa

    Concentrated efforts in transitioning to clean energy from fossil-fuel-based systems are increasing rapidly. As we make this transition and work toward more advancements in clean energy, building up the energy efficiency workforce is a top priority.

    As a newcomer to the energy efficiency industry (coming up on my one-year anniversary of entering the field soon!) with a background in labor justice, I was very drawn to workforce development initiatives across the sector.

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  • Energy Efficiency Jobs in America 2023 cover

    The U.S. Energy Efficiency Workforce: Deep-Dive Annual Insights

    by Pat Stanton

    I’m proud of my team’s work on our seventh annual energy efficiency (EE) jobs report. Energy Efficiency Jobs in America in 2023 shows 2.2+ million efficiency workers, a number expected to grow annually with new workforce development and training happening across the country.   This report focuses on the specially trained builders, electricians and other skilled professionals who focus on making our buildings, appliances, factories and infrastructure run on less energy.

    Providing access to consistently-presented EE workforce statistics at regular intervals during this crucial time serves as a key baseline for comparison, as public and private sector infrastructure investments continue to rise.

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  • Unparalleled Opportunities Arise for Energy Efficiency Job Growth: Report

    by Pat Stanton

    Energy efficiency (EE) initiatives are needing increased attention with new federal funds. This translates into more jobs on the way. Energy Efficiency Jobs in America shows there are nearly 2.2 million efficiency workers, and the number will rise as infrastructure investments kick in this year. Making these workforce statistics available now is important, so that we have a baseline for comparison.

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  • #EEDay2022: Big Advantages, No Regrets

    by Carol Harley

    October 5 is your chance to be in this year’s big campaign that proclaims energy efficiency’s powerful and lasting benefits. Why raise your voice? Lots of reasons! It’s fun to join the unstoppable force of efficiency (EE) and be among its fans and advocates. It’s free. And it’s meaningful. Join us to celebrate positive news and help advance EE as a powerful force for good.

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  • Career Spotlights in Energy Efficiency: Jessica Azarelo

    by Carina Wallack

    “I help clients save money, short and long term, make homes more comfortable, healthier, and happier!” says the founder of Attic Queen, LLC.

    Jessica Azarelo is among the more than two million Americans with rewarding careers in the energy efficiency sector.
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  • Career Spotlights in Energy Efficiency: Jason Denese

    by Carina Wallack

    “I wanted a job that was exciting and fulfilling,” says Jason Denese of Abode Energy Management. “I was looking for opportunities to grow and learn, and the energy efficiency field provided this.”

    Jason took the leap into energy efficiency after a previous career in the casino industry. Read More

  • Career Spotlights in Energy Efficiency: Yashar Ebady

    by Carina Wallack

    “We are talking about the future, our kids and grandkids. Energy will always be relevant,” says energy efficiency professional Yashar Ebady. “It is imperative that we collaborate on all levels around the topic of energy.” Read More

  • Women Leaders Aim for a More Representative Energy Efficiency Industry

    by Carina Wallack

    “As a Latina-mom, an entrepreneur, an employer, and a community member, I am always looking to expand access for people like myself,” says Leticia Colon de Mejias, who started Energy Efficiencies Solutions in Connecticut. She’s right. Greater access to the energy efficiency industry is needed.

    For Women’s History Month, I want to highlight women driving progress in the energy efficiency industry. I was lucky to connect with generous leaders in the Northeast U.S. who are making enormous contributions. Read More

  • With Building Efficiency Retrofits, You Really Can Have It All

    by Carina Wallack and Pat Stanton

    Care about economic and environmental well-being? If so, you realize that our most valuable assets are sectors that create jobs quickly while cost-effectively reducing emissions for the long haul. Building energy efficiency investments accomplish this and more.
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  • Energy Efficiency Jobs in America 2021: The Power to Tackle Our Thorniest Issues

    by Steve Cowell

    Energy Efficiency Jobs in America explores the workforce that comprises the largest part of U.S. energy sector employment. It also shows how energy efficiency has the breadth and depth to tackle our thorniest issues. Efficiency holds the promise of solutions for climate, equity, and economy.

    Energy efficiency businesses across the country were gutted by the pandemic. They continue to be impacted by economic and workforce challenges. Yet day after day, efficiency workers — who are unsung heroes — rise to give their best effort. Read More

  • Rebuilding the Energy Efficiency Workforce

    by Steve Cowell

    “A year like no other.” Say it anywhere, and you see nods of agreement. In moments of solidarity you can muster a rueful half-smile. We all know that the impacts of 2020 on people’s lives are profound. What about energy efficiency professionals specifically? This community of workers is very much on my mind.
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  • #EEDay2020: More Vital Than Ever

    by Carol Harley
    Looking for an opportunity to raise your voice for positive change? It’s coming soon! Everyone can get on board with “Save Money. Cut Pollution. Create Jobs.” Please help us spread the word!

    October 7 marks a 5-year milestone of the big annual campaign E4TheFuture helped to establish, proclaiming energy efficiency’s powerful benefits. Everybody knows saving energy saves money. This year’s campaign can inspire a very broad audience: Everyone who lives in a home, goes to school, and/or works in a building.

    Act Now. It’s free to Join!
    Visit Energy Efficiency Day and join your voice to hundreds helping to promote the massive benefits of EE. Please shout out loud about EE’s power to effect positive change. Read More

  • Faces of EE to COVID: “You might break our stride, but you can’t break our spirit.”

    by Pat Stanton

    “We will put our best foot forward.”

    When I listen to energy efficiency professionals, among their many struggles today I hear determination and grit. People are figuring out what to do next, how to retool and help each other. Online training is a big part of what can happen right now. And new ways of minimal- or no-contact building retrofits are taking shape.

    A multitude of voices are asserting we must “build back better” — focus resources and efforts on a clean economy, a healthy and equitable future. Despite the gut-punch reality of job losses revealed last week, EE pros are stepping up to find a possible path forward. Read More

  • Veterans Show Leadership in Energy Efficiency Employment

    by Pat Stanton

    “If you can low crawl through cold wet mud under concertina wire while live fire shells whiz above your head,” says Rhett Major, “working in a crawlspace or attic is pretty much a piece of cake.” A veteran of the U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard, Rhett now thrives in his energy efficiency career. He is one of more than 230,000 vets who have chosen similar paths. Read More

  • Steve Cowell Blog - Energy Efficiency Jobs in America 2019

    Three Reasons the Secret’s Out about EE Jobs

    by Steve Cowell

    Only a few of us knew the secret at first. You’ve heard it by now though, as more and more people catch the knowledge: Energy efficiency is a solution that grows jobs and builds careers as it contributes to local economies. By local, I refer to essentially every county across the United States. Energy efficiency now supports an American workforce of more than 2.3 million people, and continues rising.

    I am excited to share great news with you: Our 2019 Energy Efficiency Jobs in America is now available. It offers granular details you will find useful and valuable if you care about helping to advance clean energy, as I do. Read More

  • Efficiency Canada and E4TheFuture join forces to raise up energy efficiency professionals

    Momentum Builds for Energy Efficiency

    Workforce Unites to Accelerate Positive Change
    by Pat Stanton

    If “energy efficiency” conjures light bulb rebate programs in your mind, you may be surprised to discover the strength of the energy efficiency industry — and how it continues building. Professionals who provide efficiency services and products are EE pros now gaining a voice and an identity. Read More

  • Workforce options include apprenticeships

    Career Pathways to Energy Efficiency Jobs: Apprenticeships

    by Carina Wallack

    “The time to join a fast growing, rewarding career has never been better,” says HVAC professional Chris Morin. “Every home needs these professional skills, most of which do not require a higher education and mountains of debt to attain… [The energy efficiency industry] is a great choice for those interested in a career move to a skill that cannot be outsourced by robotics.”

    For those seeking stable jobs with opportunities for social and environmental impact, apprenticeships in the energy efficiency (EE) field are a good option. Energy efficiency professionals are everywhere, with varied roles. Read More

  • Clean Energy Jobs Appalachia

    Clean Energy Jobs Begin Heating Up Coal Country

    by Pat Stanton

    “I will always be a coal miner at heart,” Scott Shoupe says, “but we have to acknowledge where it is and the true impacts of coal for the future. I want to take my wealth of knowledge and bring change to my communities.”
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  • Ingrid the Insulator - We Can Do It - Women's History Month

    Spotlight on Women in Energy Efficiency

    by Audrey Bragg

    “I think it’s just my personality that allows me to be fearless and put myself in gender-unbalanced situations,” says Stephanie Bassler. “I am doing my best, and I let that speak for itself.” How many of us have heard women’s stories similar to Stephanie’s?

    To celebrate Women’s History Month, my staff asked women to reflect on their career roles in energy efficiency (EE). Read More

  • Paris Illinois Energy Efficiency Local Jobs Rural Business

    Local Staying Power: EE Jobs in Rural America

    by Audrey Bragg

    Energy Efficiency Jobs in America shows that energy efficiency (EE) jobs drive energy employment, representing nearly 35% of all U.S. energy-sector workers. One may assume that most of these opportunities are in major cities, as rural areas offer fewer job options in general. However, certain industries create a larger number of local jobs providing employment for Americans outside metro areas. These jobs can transform people’s lives and be fulfilling careers.

    EE is one of these vital industries, offering 2.25 million jobs.[i] You may not realize, but EE jobs are everywhere. In fact, 99.7% of U.S. counties have energy efficiency jobs. Yes, 3,000 out of 3,007 counties employ EE workers. Read More

  • Energy-efficiency-construction-jobs

    Construction Jobs Significant in U.S. Energy Efficiency Employment

    by Pat Stanton

    Since early September, I have been eager to share findings from our recently released Energy Efficiency Jobs in America report. One key fact that surfaced is the importance of construction work in the energy efficiency (EE) industry. Overall, 2.25 million Americans are employed in EE. Of these workers, 1.27 million are employed in construction.*

    Did you know that 1 in 6 of all United States construction workers spend 50% or more of their time on EE-related tasks? People may think that careers in efficiency are limited to changing light bulbs and installing insulation. But we’ve discovered that most EE construction work is related to installing high efficiency heating and cooling / HVAC systems. Read More

  • Veterans Careers USA Energy Efficiency Jobs

    Veterans Rock Energy Efficiency Jobs

    by Pat Stanton

    Every workday, 2.25 million American energy efficiency professionals are on the job.[i] Many install insulation and advanced building controls and improve HVAC systems. Their work isn’t always recognized, but I strongly believe that it should be! For starters, energy efficiency (EE) cuts waste and costs while improving health and comfort.

    NOTE: See the current version of Energy Efficiency Jobs in America for updated statistics.

    Our new report, Energy Efficiency Jobs in America, offers insights about EE companies and workers. I was surprised to learn that although only six percent of the U.S. workforce are veterans, eleven percent of energy efficiency workers are veterans. Read More

  • EE-jobs-america-faces-of-energy-efficiency

    Energy Efficiency Jobs: USA’s Powerhouse

    by Steve Cowell

    News flash! The U.S. energy efficiency industry is becoming known as a jobs powerhouse. Why? Because it now supports a workforce of 2.25 million and continues to increase. I feel honored to spread this good news that buoys us beyond politics to unite a focus on the positive.

    Our new report, Energy Efficiency Jobs in America, articulates the scale and scope of jobs across the country, with details for all 50 states. Energy efficiency (EE) is the largest sector in the U.S. clean energy economy. Read More

  • Energy Efficiency Jobs Matter to Americans

    Defend Vital Energy Efficiency Funding

    by Steve Cowell

    The White House budget proposed devastating cuts to key U.S. energy efficiency programs. Eighty percent of FY19 program dollars could be in real danger. Although a FY’18 omnibus bill succeeded in funding the remainder of this year,* the fight for FY’19 is just beginning. If you believe, as I do, that energy efficiency brings lasting benefits to all Americans please make your voice heard now.
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  • Photo booth Faces of Energy Efficiency

    Making the Case for Energy Efficiency

    by Pat Stanton

    It can be tough to get the ear of a policymaker. One of the best ways is by sharing stories of how their work can affect real people. Our “Faces of EE” initiative collects photos and testimonials of energy efficiency workers across the U.S. Faces of EE promotes the fact that “EE” means more than clean air and a stable grid; it means jobs and economic growth.

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  • United We Work: Together, a Force for Good

    by Steve Cowell

    The business case for energy efficiency is well-proven. Compelling evidence shows that EE prevents energy waste and lowers costs — in homes, and in commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. EE serves as a “baseload plant,” by reducing overall energy use. It’s reliable and resilient. And energy efficiency is an economic turbocharger. A key aspect of economic benefit is the massive jobs boost from the EE sector. My team is spearheading Faces of EE to introduce energy efficiency’s 2.2 million U.S. workers.
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  • National Energy Efficiency Day

    #EEDay2017 is Coming!

    by Carol Harley

    Are you ready? We hope if you are reading this, you have already signed up for #EEDay2017. October 5 marks the second-annual campaign proclaiming energy efficiency’s powerful benefits. This year, we’re all about jobs and brighter solutions.

    Efficiency is the cleanest, fastest, and most cost-effective energy solution. It’s also a job-creation powerhouse. Follow @FacesofEE on Twitter to meet some of the 2.2 million energy pros who work in energy efficiency.
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  • Faces of Energy Efficiency

    Revealing the Faces of America’s Energy Efficiency Professionals

    by Pat Stanton

    I am eager to tell you about a new initiative, “Faces of EE,” that highlights energy efficiency professionals. Join us to help reveal the unsung heroes of a largely invisible workforce. Our aim is to bring a well-documented message to policymakers and the public: Strong, non-partisan energy efficiency policies can expand a vital workforce in every community nationwide. Together we can keep building positive momentum for jobs that capture superb ROI.

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  • Green office building

    Clean Energy in Today’s Political Climate: Businesses Double Down

    by Rachel Ehrman

    The mood in the room was one of fierce determination.

    “It’s not a matter of politics…it’s about economics and humanity,” Mindy Lubber’s opening remarks drew a standing ovation from 600+ Ceres Conference attendees – from Fortune 500 companies and investors to U.S. non-profit organizations. As I rose from my seat in the room, I knew it was clear that I was among
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  • Energy Efficiency Jobs Matter to U.S.

    by Steve Cowell

    In 2016 we learned that energy efficiency is even more powerful than we thought. Beyond its use as a proven wise investment for cutting waste and saving dollars, the industry supports 1.9 million U.S. jobs—by far the largest sector in the U.S. clean energy economy. Our new report articulates the scale and scope of these jobs.

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